10 Common Struggles Faced By Applicants Applying On Their Own

First-Time Applicants
  • Lack of familiarity with the application process
  • Failing to distinguish their profile amidst rising competition
  • Submitting inaccurately filled ICA forms
  • Unprepared for ICA interview process
  • Submitting incomplete and unvetted documentation
  • Reapplication delayed by multiple rejections
  • Unsure about undisclosed reasons for past rejections
  • Struggling with navigating the e-Service
  • Doubts over sufficiency of submitted documents
  • Unknowingly repeating past mistakes from previous attempts

Why Should You Apply For Citizenship Now?

Singapore citizens hold the key to benefits that are unobtainable for non-citizens and PRs. From voting rights and education priority to more employment opportunities and generous subsidies, life as a citizen grants you greater security and stability. If you are looking to make Singapore your home for good, let us guide you on the right path.

How Paul Immigrations Can Help You

Provide Crucial Expertise and Insights
Provide Crucial Expertise and Insights

Complicated and tedious, the Singapore citizenship application process poses a challenge to most applicants. Our team of professionals can help you overcome this hurdle with key knowledge and insights, garnered through years of experience.

Our insightful expertise is the leverage you need amidst tightening competition, priming your application for approval.

Manage All Mandatory Documentation
Manage All Mandatory Documentation

As Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (ICA) only accepts applications made through the online portal, any missing paperwork at this point can result in an incomplete application. This will invalidate your citizenship application.

Let our team of experts collate and manage your tedious paperwork and personally ensure your submission is error-free.

Elevate Your Profile With Supporting Paperwork
Elevate Your Profile With Supporting Paperwork

Set yourself apart from other candidates with supplementary documents that exhibit your top qualities and contributions. Including an employer’s letter of recommendation can bolster your chances of success for Singapore citizenship.

With years of experience under their belt, our team of professionals will be able to help you prepare them.

Craft Convincing Cover Letters
Craft Convincing Cover Letters

With an increasing number of applications reviewed by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority Singapore, the onus is on you to set your submission uniquely apart from the rest of the prospects.

Our team of experienced writers will craft a personalised cover letter to help you stand out from the crowd by highlighting your strengths in the best way possible.

Walk the Entire Process With You
Walk the Entire Process With You

The Citizenship application demands the inclusion of multiple documents, making the whole process tiresome. One error can lead your entire submission to rejection.

Allow us to guide you throughout this critical journey, ensuring that you do not miss any pertinent information or compromise the likelihood of you gaining the highly-coveted status.

Reduce Effort & Save Your Time
Reduce Effort & Save Your Time

Trying to navigate through the complicated e-Service portal without an expert’s guidance, might lead to a lot of your precious time wasted.

Our expert team can help you ensure that all the necessary fields are completed as per requirements, making your submission experience much efficient and seamless.

Client Reviews

Calculate Your Singapore Citizenship Chances Now*

Permanent Resident (PR)EP/ PEPS PassDP/ LTVP/ LTVP+ (Spouse)Student PassWork PermitNo Work Pass
1 year2 yearsOver 2 yearsNot a Singapore PR
No RelationshipHusband/WifeParent
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*Actual success may vary, based on the individual's qualifications. Paul Immigrations Pte Ltd cannot guarantee that the Singapore authorities will agree with our Consultant's assessment.