5 Benefits of Being a Singapore Citizen

Singapore is a bustling city-state with pockets of greenery scattered all over the island. This unique combination of city and tropical island has won the hearts of many all over the globe. Every year, thousands of individuals apply to become Permanent Residents just to enjoy the many perks that come along with the status. But there’s much more that comes with becoming a Singapore Citizenship. Whether you’re planning a long-term move or a Singapore PR thinking of taking the next step forward, read on to find out how you can benefit from Citizenship.


Benefit 1: Better Employment Opportunities

If you are an individual who is keen on carving out a diverse and successful career path, becoming a Citizen might help your endeavours. Here are four reasons how becoming a Singaporean can help you gain better employment opportunities to design your working journey.

1. Preference for Citizens

To ensure all Citizens, and even PRs, stand a fighting chance in the competitive working world, the Ministry of Manpower has created a quota on the number of foreign employees a company can hire. This quota system is applicable across all industries in the lion city depending on their respective business activities. Although foreign talents are necessary in this country to help plug certain gaps, employers are encouraged to fill in as many locals in the roles as possible.

2. Easier Job Securement for Your Spouse

Non-Singaporean spouses of Singapore Citizens may find it easier to secure employment with access to a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP). In 2015, the Ministry of Social and Family Development circulated a press release detailing foreign spouses who are currently holding on to an LTVP will now face fewer difficulties when securing employment. This pass is vastly more flexible compared to the Dependant’s Pass, which requires holders to apply for a work pass to gain employment, rather than a consent letter. Moreover, you can avoid payment of any foreign levies if your spouse is holding on to the LTVP.

3. Avoid Tedious Pass Applications

As a foreigner, there are many types of passes you can hold on to when you are working in Singapore. Depending on your industry and employment, you could be holding on to an employment pass, an S-Pass, or a work permit. These passes demand a tedious application process and applying for more documentation such as a letter of consent. On the contrary, Citizens do not need to undergo this hassle.

4. Grow Your Career Easily

Successfully achieving your Citizenship can help you better develop your career with greater flexibility and more job opportunities. As a non-Citizen, changing jobs can be just as tedious as freshly applying for one. This is because your current pass has to be cancelled by your present employer before your new employer can reapply for one. Unfortunately, some employers may purposefully delay the process of cancellation leaving you with no choice but to return to your home country. Only when your pass has been approved can you return to the Little Red Dot causing a loss in finances and time. On top of that, unless stated by your employer, locals can supplement their income by taking up a part-time job or even establish their own business.


Benefit 2: Affordable Public Housing Options

Housing is a very important issue when deciding to make a place your new home. Being able to afford your home and simply having the option to own a home are both vital to your happiness and comfort levels. Fortunately, one of the great benefits that come along with being a Singaporean is having a wider variety of housing options that are both affordable and public, more so than a Permanent Resident.

1. Eligibility for Public Housing

In this dynamic Lion City, 80% of its population resides in public housing. The Housing and Development Board (HDB) provides heavy subsidies and grants to ensure housing, regardless of size, remains accessible and affordable for its Citizens. Depending on your income category, there are plenty of styles available when purchasing a resale. Singaporeans have no limits to abide by when choosing an apartment. However, note that the 3Gen flats are only available to Citizens living with their extended families.

2. BTO Application

What sets locals apart even more is that only they are allowed to purchase the new flats known as Build-to-Order (BTO) units. Although PRs can purchase HDBs, BTOs are reserved for the purchase of Singaporeans only. These new flats are special as they take into consideration the needs of the individuals who choose to live there. Today, some of the new housing estates come with rooftop gardens, convenience stores, and even communal relaxation areas. On top of that, many new estates try to incorporate greenery into their area providing you with snippets of nature while residing in a concrete jungle.

3. Favourable Locations

Despite the scarcity of land in Singapore, the Republic does its level best to ensure public housing is available in favourable locations. These locations tend to have their own perks like being close to town, or away from the hubbub or the neighbourhood centre. The estates and towns tend to have a host of schools, malls, and other such amenities.


Benefit 3: World-Class Infrastructure

Uprooting your entire life is not easy, naturally, as a potential Citizen, you would be concerned about the infrastructure of the country you are living in. Proper infrastructure helps Citizens and the country’s economy by providing functional systems that help the country grow and thrive. When you choose Singapore as your new headquarters, you are choosing top-notch systems such as healthcare, transportation, and education.

1. Top Quality Healthcare

Singapore is highly renowned for its healthcare system. The Republic was ranked number 2 for having the most efficient healthcare system according to the Bloomberg Health-Efficiency Index — and that’s quite a feat! As a Citizen, you can take full comfort in knowing that you are safe in the hands of highly qualified experts. As a Singaporean, you can enjoy generous subsidies as compared to PRs, allowing you access to excellent medical care. These subsidies are not extended to foreigners. On top of that, Citizens also enjoy tax and financial assistance from the Central Provident Fund (CPF). Your own medical expenses as well as that of your spouse can be paid for via Medisave. This scheme helps to protect you and your loved ones from any unexpected medical illnesses.

2. Renowned Transport System

Though Singapore is well known for its sky-high prices for private cars, the government has found a solution to counter this issue — a high-functioning transport system for the masses. The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has created a tremendous network of trains that travel all over the island. These trains, also known as Mass Rapid Transport (MRT), travel at a fast pace and do not leave you waiting for more than ten minutes at a train station. The country also has an extensive network of buses that cover areas the trains do not, ensuring you are not left without an option even if you stay in a more secluded area. Although the train covers a large amount of the land, the LTA continues to work hard and expand the map, connecting passengers from one end to the other.

3. Health and Hygiene Standards

Singapore places a lot of emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene. This is reflected in the water we drink. When first founded, water was a scarce resource and we relied heavily on our neighbouring country — Malaysia — for the precious liquid. As the agreements come to an end, the Little Red Dot developed a revolutionary recycling system for water. Hailed as NEWater, these desalination plants meet approximately 40% of the country’s water needs. In fact, water in this city-state is so clean that drinking it straight from the tap — a big no-no in many countries — is common amongst Citizens. Singaporeans live without fear of contracting diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. The filtration systems and technology used to clean the water are extremely advanced.

4. Notable Education System

The quality of education provided in this city-state is highly recognized and reputable. This is especially useful if you decide to start a family in this country. Children born to Singaporean Citizens also qualify as Citizens and can enjoy the wonderful benefits of the education system here. Citizens can expect to pay significantly lower fees for school from primary until university. Enrolling your future children into local schools ensures they receive high quality and affordable education and also helps them integrate into a diverse society.


Benefit 4: Safe and Secure Environment

Moving cities is a big decision, but becoming a Citizen of another country can be even more daunting. Before moving, most individuals would be interested in understanding their new home country’s political climate and security levels.

Suffice to say, Singapore is one of the safest countries in the world in many aspects. Keep reading to find out how you will be kept safe and secure in this nation.

1. General Safety Standards

According to a 2020 report by the U.S. Department’s Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), Singapore remains widely known as one of the safest countries on the map. This Little Red Dot puts a strong emphasis on law and order and low crime rates to ensure its Citizens live safe and comfortable lives. On top of that, the Republic ranked as the second safest destination in the world by The Economist in its Safe Cities Index 2019. Finally, because of its strategic location, the island nation neither experiences natural disasters such as earthquakes nor has any naturally occurring weather phenomenons like typhoons.

2. Political Stability

Singapore has developed rapidly over the years, almost miraculously. However, one reason for this precise and progressive development is the staggering level of political stability in the country. The Republic is a democracy, holding peaceful annual elections, political rallies, and open parliamentary proceedings without strife, allowing for a rapid and focused path towards the country’s progression and future. In 2020, the Lion City was also ranked third least corrupt nation globally and least corrupt in Asia. New Citizens can expect to be able to focus on enriching their lives without fear of riots, civil unrest, or other political dangers.


Benefit 5: Thriving Global Economy

Since gaining independence in 1965, Singapore has long established itself as a global hub in the world of business. The rapid and determined progression of its people and government allowed Singapore to secure its place in the world as a powerhouse in the business sector.

1. Preferred Location for Headquarters

Due to its stable political environment and business-friendly laws, Singapore is often a preferred location for many large corporations to headquarter at, boosting its economy. For Citizens, this is great news as this means more job opportunities and a more diverse work portfolio. Aside from potential career prospects, Singaporeans are privy to a globalised environment allowing them to enjoy many cultures through entertainment, dining, and events.

2. Strategic Trade Agreements

To further bolster the powerful economy, the local government has initiated 24 successful regional and bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTA). FTAs help by opening doors for Singapore-based enterprises to the world’s major market players. With these massive FTAs, the Republic appears more enticing to corporations who would like a slice of the pie. This strategic planning by the government shows a robust and powerful economy that even its Citizens can reap from.


In A Nutshell

All in all, Singapore is a huge contender globally and should definitely be a consideration for your new home. At its heart, the Lion City focuses on the needs of its Citizens and picks directions that can benefit the city-state significantly. Should you consider becoming a Citizen because of this island nation, you may be surprised to discover even more benefits!

*Actual success may vary, based on the individual's qualifications. Paul Immigrations Pte Ltd cannot guarantee that the Singapore authorities will agree with our Consultant's assessment.