Are You Eligible for SG Citizenship?

Singapore Citizenship is a highly coveted one and it is so for many reasons. Aside from its greenery and bustling city life, the safety, efficiency, and happenings in this little island nation are extremely appealing to many. Those who come to work here find themselves wanting more as they blend and melt into the diverse cultures, enriching the society.

As a Singapore Permanent Resident, you have the advantage of being able to make Singapore your new home. However, you may find yourself wondering if you even qualify for Citizenship. If you are interested in becoming a Singaporean or already have decided you want to be one, read on to find out more about the eligibility criteria!


3 Benefits of Becoming A Singaporean

Before diving into the eligibility criteria, let’s take a look at just three out of the many amazing benefits you reap as a Singaporean. This may help you make a decision if you are sitting on the fence about upgrading your Permanent Residence status into Citizenship.

1. High Levels of Safety

By and large, Singapore is known for its safety, but it was not always like this in the past. To prevent history from repeating itself, the Republic prioritises maintaining low crime rates. This general sense of safety allows Singaporeans to live worry-free. On top of that, the nation does not experience any natural disasters. With such a strong and positive reputation for safety, it’s definitely a compelling reason to make this Lion City your new home.

2. Stable Political Climate

Ranked within the top five of the least corrupt nation across the world in 2020, Singapore has a tremendous level of political stability. The democratic nation is known for its peaceful and efficient elections, competent leadership, and open parliamentary proceedings. Citizens co-exist peacefully without fear of political riots, unrest, and any other danger. A stable political climate also brings forth good business, resulting in plenty of jobs for all.

3. High-Quality Education

Consistently ranking highly in the education section by the OECD, Singapore is an ideal location to start a family or raise a child. There are many paths of learning children can take, starting pre-school, primary school, to tertiary education. The Republic places a high emphasis on education and strives to achieve a high literacy rate. With the National University of Singapore ranking 11th in the entire world, you can look forward to a diverse and promising future for your child or even yourself. Moreover, Citizens enjoy first priority in school admissions, ensuring that your child attends the school of their choosing.


Eligibility Requirements For Yourself


Now that you have taken a look at the fantastic benefits that come with becoming a Singaporean, you must be wondering what it takes for you to attain the iconic red passport. As an adult, here are some of the eligibility requirements you have to fulfil before you can move further on your journey to obtaining Citizenship.

1. Duration of Stay in Singapore

To become a Citizen, you have to first be a Permanent Resident of the Little Red Dot for at least two years. The longer you have stayed here, the better your chances are. The general assumption is that by residing in Singapore for many years, it is likely that you have integrated into our unique and multicultural society. This seamless integration allows you to become a part of the Singapore identity without causing any drastic changes in your life as you are familiar with the way of life here. Additionally, moving to another country requires a high level of commitment — as a PR who has lived and worked here for many years, you display the type of commitment to the nation that the government is looking for.

2. Appropriate Skills and Qualifications

As a nation that lacks natural resources and has limited land, Singapore’s key resource is its people. The Republic places high emphasis on quality education, hard work, and innovation. This is evident in the emphasis the government has placed on skills upgrading and the vouchers they have provided their Citizens. As a potential Citizen, what you bring to the table matters. The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority will take your skills and qualifications into consideration when assessing your submission. To further increase your chances, you can apply for courses to upgrade yourself. You can even take up a new degree if you are considering switching careers.

3. Contributions To The Economy

Your contributions to the local economy is a key criterion when assessing your eligibility. Contributing positively to the local economy can be highly beneficial for your submission. As a Permanent Resident, you may be under a particular scheme such as the Professionals, Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers (PTS) Scheme or Global Investor Programme (GIP). As such, you understand the importance of valuable contributions to the economy. Similarly, as a Citizen, the Republic would expect the same sentiments.

4. The Age Factor

It is a well-known fact that Singapore has a growing ageing population. Based on a Statista report from 2020, it is estimated that by 2035, 32% of the island city’s population will be above the age of 65. Paired with a low fertility rate of 0.83 children per woman, it is no surprise that the Republic would be keener on welcoming younger individuals to help plug in the gaps with the ageing workforce. That being said, all hope is not lost. As older individuals, you can provide expertise and a diverse set of skills because of the years of experience you have had.

5. Relations to A Singaporean

Having family members such as your children or spouse may help your application appear more favourably to the approving authorities. Those with ties to locals tend to understand the social fabric of the Republic better and may have an easier time integrating into society. Below we explore how dependants can benefit from having a Singaporean relation.


Eligibility Requirements for Dependants

The eligibility criteria for dependants also varies. Depending on how you are related to a Singaporean, there are different requirements expected from you. Three commonly known groups of dependants are spouses, children under the age of 21, and aged parents.

1. Your Spouse

For better or for worse, wanting your spouse by your side would be ideal for most individuals. If you are a Singaporean, your spouse can make this tropical city their new home, provided they have been a Permanent Resident of the nation for at least two years and married to you for a minimum of two years. Alternatively, if you and your partner are both Permanent Residents and have been married for two years, simply check if you are eligible for Citizenship and then apply together. The requirements for your spouse would be the same ones that you have to meet as above.

2. Children Below 21

You can apply for Citizenship for your child provided they are below the age of 21 and unmarried. Note that it is also possible to apply it for your ward as well. However, you have to already be a Singaporean for that and it is of utmost importance that you provide official documentation stating that you have legally adopted them. Another way your child is eligible is if they are a PR who has resided in the country for three years or more and have sat for and passed at least one national examination, or are in the Integrated Programme (IP). Children who are born abroad to locals are also eligible for Citizenship.

3. Your Parents

When the time comes, most individuals want to ensure their parents are cared for. What better way to do that than to have them live with you. Although the odds of becoming a Citizen are slimmer as your age grows, your parents can also make Singapore their new home via the Aged Parents scheme. One fundamental detail to note: your aged parents are only eligible for that scheme if you are a Citizen. If you are undergoing the process of becoming one, for the time being, as a PR, your parents can apply for the Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) so that they can live with you.


Application Process: In A Nutshell

After getting a better understanding of the eligibility criteria, you are now able to decide if you want to take a shot at becoming a Singaporean. If you want to take the next step and make the Little Red Dot your new home, here’s how the application process works.

1. Required Documentation

Naturally, one of the most important documents required is the application form. However, your application needs to be further supplemented with other documents. Before you begin the process, you should prepare all the necessary paperwork. To ensure a seamless and hassle-free procedure, make sure you possess the original documents, a copy, and an e-copy. Do ensure that each file does not exceed 2MB. The complete list of documents required can be found on ICA’s website, however, here is a brief list of the types of documents you will need:

  • Passport
  • Birth certificate
  • PR Identification
  • Marriage/Divorce/Annulment paperwork
  • Death certificate of spouse/child
  • Custody papers for children
  • Education certificates
  • Proof of employment from your employer
  • 6 months worth of payslips
  • National Service documentation
  • Translated documents by approved translators
  • Cover letter

2. Online Application Portal

Upon completing the submission form and preparing the supporting paperwork, you have to log onto the e-Service to submit your application. The e-Service is an online portal on the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority’s website and you will need a SingPass account to be able to submit your application. As this can be a fairly taxing and time-consuming process, the ICA has allowed applicants a maximum of seven days to complete the forms. This is why it is strongly recommended you ready all the supporting documents beforehand. The ICA also recommends following their user guide before starting the process.

3. Awaiting the Outcome

After the tedious submission process, all you have left to do is wait. Unfortunately, you may have to wait between six months to a year before you even hear from the Immigration and Checkpoint Authorities. ICA receives and parses through thousands of applications, which is why it is absolutely vital that your application stands out from the rest. Despite that, there is an exception. For children who are born abroad to Singaporeans, the processing time can be as quick as two months. Remember to supply a working email address as updates are sent to the applicant or sponsor.

4. Approval: The Next Step

After some time, you will eventually hear from the ICA. If your application is successful, you can expect to receive an approval letter via post. Although you may be happy to receive the good news, the process still does not end here. The approval letter contains information for your oath-taking appointment and a checklist of documents required. Fortunately, you can kill two birds with one stone and apply for your new red passport immediately after your appointment. Approximately three to four months later, you will be invited to attend a Citizenship Ceremony where all new Citizens in your neighbourhood are officially welcomed.

5. Rejection: Seek Expertise

More often than not, the ICA is the bearer of bad news. With thousands of applicants, there is a possibility that you may not be successful in your submission. On top of that, the authorities never provide you with a reason for rejection. However, take heart as that is not the end of your Singapore Citizenship journey as you can always try again. There are many reasons why your submission was unsuccessful. Some include missing paperwork, generic cover letter, or inaccurate information. Instead of sending in the same application one year later, consider a different route. Try seeking professional expertise from firms who provide this service, such as Paul Immigrations. An expert can help identify any gaps in your submission and elevate your application such that it towers amongst the rest.


In Summary

Understanding the eligibility criteria helps you discover if you are able to apply now or you have to put in a little more work before applying. However, do not fret as you always have the option of seeking external help from professionals. Now that you understand the requirements and process of becoming a Citizen, you can now take the next step and apply for your Citizenship with confidence!

*Actual success may vary, based on the individual's qualifications. Paul Immigrations Pte Ltd cannot guarantee that the Singapore authorities will agree with our Consultant's assessment.